The Little Box of Joy


The little box of Joy

Find Joy Everyday with Simple Mindful Activities

This boxed card deck brings together 30 activities that celebrate the little things which bring great joy.

Each card features a charming child on the front of the card, and a fun, inclusive activity on the reverse, offering a mindful prompt to encourage gratitude for the simple things that can bring happiness to our everyday lives.

A booklet is also included to help guide carers through the activities.

SKU: 9781913520748 Categories: , , , ,

Author Bio:

Joanne Ruelos Diaz is a writer and editor dedicated to nurturing a love for reading and learning. She writes for children, parents and teachers and values physical, mental, social and emotional health for all members in a family. Joanne and her family live in New Jersey, USA.

Illustrator Bio:

Annelies Draws is a self-taught illustrator based in the Netherlands, originally from South Korea. She has loved to draw since she was a little girl, and works with traditional mediums such as coloured pencils and gouache paints with whimsical colours. Annelies finds inspiration through her daily life, and hopes her work can bring a little joy to your day.

Additional information

Weight 0.33 kg

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