The Virtual Group Therapy Circle


Advances in Online Group Theory and Practice

This book provides group therapists and counselors with the necessary knowledge and help to develop their skills in effectively conducting online groups.

Group therapy represents the most efficient utilization of the scarce resource of mental health interventions. Online settings dramatically increase the dissemination of this approach. This book identifies the diverse challenges and suggests solutions in remote group therapy for specific therapeutic approaches such as psychodynamic, relational, psychodrama, CBT, ACT, and group supervision. The contributing authors explore specific issues that anyone who conducts groups online should be aware of.

Using a group therapy lens, this book develops further the ideas and areas explored in the authors’ previous books Theory and Practice of Online Therapy and Advances in Online Therapy.

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Introduction – Haim Weinberg, Arnon Rolnick, and Adam Leighton

Section I: Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities in Online Groups: Insights from Research and Theory

1. Research on Online Groups –  Gary Burlingame, Rachel Arnold, Tate Paxton, and Alee Rands

2. Miles Away: Alliance and Cohesion in Online Group Therapy – Cheri Marmarosh, Alexandra Robelo, Alicia Solorio, Feng Xing

3. Online Group Psychotherapy: Is the Body Really Necessary? – Nikos Takis

4. From Shrinkage to Expansion – Online Group Therapy that Enables Acquaintance with “Other” Self-States through Dissociation and Enactment – Enav Karniel Lauer

5. “Can I Join Online?” Hybrid Group Therapy Integrating Online Participants In Face-To-Face Groups – Efrat Zigenlaub and Ella Stolper

Section II: Online Group Process Oriented Approaches

6. Modern psychoanalytic group therapy online: Adaptations of theory and technique – Aaron Black and Ellen Wright

7. Group Analytic Therapy and the online groups: Some principles of the group analytic approach to Online group therapy – Robi Friedman

8. Interpersonal Group Psychotherapy Conducted Online – Ruthellen Josselson and Judith Schoenholtz-Read

9. Systems-Centered Therapy and Training Groups Online: Adapting to the Driving and Restraining Forces in an Online Context – Susan Gantt

10. Online Large Groups in Times of Social Turmoil: Helping Individuals and Communities to Work-Through Pandemics and Wars – Gila Ofer, Uri Levin and Stavros Charalambides

Section III: Online Psychodrama, Art Therapy and Adventure based Methods

11. Sociatry and Sociodrama. A New Possibility in Psychodrama Online Reality: Healing Social Trauma – Deniz Altınay

12. Psychodrama On Zoom: The Story Of The Soul – Shelley Korshak Firestone

13. Online Psychodrama Groups with Children – Hanan El-Mazahy

14. Online Art Therapy: Encouraging Creative Healing in The Virtual Space – Iris Lachnit and Meera Rastogi

15. Online Group Art Therapy – the Presence of the Artistic Entity: Experiences with groups of senior citizen women – Dana Bar-Shor

16. Adventure-Based Counseling Online: Bringing Novelty, Physical Engagement, and Shared Problem Solving to a Virtual Format – Barney Straus

Section IV: Online Person-Centered Mechanisms of Change Approaches: Psychoeducational, CBT, ACT & SE Groups

17. Somatic Experiencing Informed Group Psychotherapy Online – Carlos Canales

18. Fostering Intimacy and Participant Engagement on the Zoom Platform: A Practical Beginner’s Manual – Kimberly B. Harrison and Katherine Chapman

19. Online Psychoeducational Groups – Nina Brown

20. Cognitive Behavioural Group Therapy Virtually – Ingrid Söchting

21. ACT as a Group Teletherapy – Darrah Westrup

22. “Can We Zoom Out Of The Hospital?” – Online Behavioral Stress Management Groups – Reut Ron and Anat Laronne

Section V: Training, Teaching and Supervising Groups Online 

23. Online group psychotherapy training – Haim Weinberg

24. Establishing a Group Program in Business School and Shifting to the Virtual World – Darryl Pure and Lisa Stefanac

25. Enhancing Supervision Practices: The Promise and Potential of Online Group Supervision – Arnon Rolnick, Adam Leighton, and Haim Weinberg

26. Epilogue: Beyond Group Psychotherapy – Online Groups as the Modern Agora for Enhancing Democracy and Cohesion – Arnon Rolnick

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