From the bestselling author of How Are You Feeling Today? comes a picture book to encourage children to celebrate uniqueness and diversity and help them to challenge stereotypes.
The Same but Different explores the ways in which we’re all unique as well as the similarities we share. Using everyday examples, clear explanations and colourful illustrations by Sarah Jennings, this book prompts children to broaden their perspectives and rejoice in their differences. After all, imagine how boring the world would be if everyone was exactly the same!
Exploring all the ways we’re different, including how we look, where we live, the languages we speak, what our families are like and what we believe in, The Same but Different is the perfect book for starting important conversations with children about diversity and inclusion. Early Years and PSHE expert Molly Potter also provides a glossary of terms and notes for parents and carers offering advice on tackling prejudice right from the start.
Author Bio:
Molly Potter has spent many years teaching in both mainstream schools and a pupil referral unit for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties, helping them to trust adults, develop self-esteem and learn to self-regulate. Molly has also been a county advisor for all things PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) with a special focus on RSE (relationships and sex education) where she developed her keen interest in how best to help children navigate life’s tricky elements. Her own two children (and guinea pigs) roll their eyes at her openness when it comes to delivering the honest facts! Along with writing books, Molly currently writes teaching resources for different organisations, delivers training to teachers and practitioners, and gives one-to-one support to children, focused mainly on developing emotional literacy. Molly is the author of the best-selling picture book How Are You Feeling Today? as well as a whole range of fantastic books for supporting PSHE.
“Molly Potter’s books are just gorgeous and this one is another winner!” – Kathy Brodie, Early Years expert and host of Early Years TV
“A good starting point for conversations about inclusion” – The Bookseller
“I really loved the illustrations in this cute book all about how we can be the same and different. Most children will go through a stage of feeling different and worrying about it, and this book is the perfect companion to a conversation about these feelings”
- Hard cover (Picture book)
- Age range 5+
- Full Colour
- 32 Page