Play in the Early Years


The Early Years Learning Framework is a key component of the Australian Government’s National Quality Framework for early childhood education and care. Play-based learning is an important focus in both the Framework and in early childhood education degrees at Australian universities. Play in the Early Years is a comprehensive study of pedagogy and play in early childhood education by a globally recognised leader in the field. Marilyn Fleer examines how play has been thought about across time, culture and institutions, including in childcare, family day care, schools and community groups.

The book presents and analyses the latest research and theories about early childhood pedagogy and play. Vignettes and real-world examples help students connect theory to practice, while end-of-chapter glossaries help to consolidate understanding of key concepts and ideas.

This is an accessible and engaging textbook that will be an invaluable resource for practitioners and undergraduate students of early childhood education.

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The Early Years Learning Framework is a key component of the Australian Government’s National Quality Framework for early childhood education and care. Play-based learning is an important focus in both the Framework and in early childhood education degrees at Australian universities. Play in the Early Years is a comprehensive study of pedagogy and play in early childhood education by a globally recognised leader in the field. Marilyn Fleer examines how play has been thought about across time, culture and institutions, including in childcare, family day care, schools and community groups.

The book presents and analyses the latest research and theories about early childhood pedagogy and play. Vignettes and real-world examples help students connect theory to practice, while end-of-chapter glossaries help to consolidate understanding of key concepts and ideas.

This is an accessible and engaging textbook that will be an invaluable resource for practitioners and undergraduate students of early childhood education.

  • This is the most current local text on the market
  • Marilyn Fleer has over 25 years of experience and is a globally recognised expert in the area
  • Looks at the relations between play, learning and development from the child’s perspective – a key point of difference

Author Bio:

Marilyn Fleer, Monash University, Victoria
Marilyn Fleer holds the Foundation Chair for Early Childhood Education at Monash University. Currently she is the Research Director, Faculty of Education, Peninsula Campus, Monash University. She is also the Research Leader for the Early Childhood Faculty Research Group. Marilyn has worked in education for 25 years. She began her career as an early childhood teacher. Later she was seconded to the Department of Education, Aboriginal Education Branch, as an advisor, later as a Curriculum Officer and finally as a Research Officer (shared with the University of Western Australia). In 1988 she took up an appointment as lecturer at the University of Canberra, remaining there until 2001 as Professor of Education. In 2002 she commenced her new position at Monash University as Professor of Early Childhood Education.

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Weight 0.65 kg

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