Move Your Mood!


SKU: 9781433821127 Categories: , ,

Feeling blah? Here’s what to do. Move your body and your mood moves too!

Move Your Mood! Invites kids and adults to twist, wiggle, shake, hop…and smile! Reading this book with your child is an active and fun way to teach your child about emotions, and introduce the idea that moving our bodies affects the way we feel inside. Ready to start feeling better? Move and groove your way into a better mood!

Includes a Note to Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers with suggestions for how to use the book with your child, and additional ideas for teaching your child about emotions.

Author Bio:

Brenda S. Miles, PhD, is a paediatric neuropsychologist who has worked in hospital, rehabilitation, and school settings. She sits quietly while she writes but twists to tunes during breaks to boost her mood and creativity! She is an author and co-author of several books for children

Colleen A. Patterson, MA, is a psychologist who has worked with children of all ages in hospital and school settings. She moves her mood by running and frequently races in support of children’s mental health. She has co-authored two books

Hardback book

32 pages