Katie Kangaroo and Her Awesome Career Adventure Animated Story and Interactive Lessons


SKU: 9781598501957 Category:

This interactive program provides an unforgettable approach to help children explore interesting aspects of different careers. Students will have fun joining Katie Kangaroo as she interviews characters in her town in search of learning about different careers. She wants to decide which careers interest her the most. Students move Katie to different places in town so she can ask each character 3 questions about his/her career. These careers follow the 16 career clusters defined by the Department of Education.

This program can be used in classrooms using digital white boards, such as SMART™ or Promethean™ Boards or individually on a computer. It will help students learn much more than typical information about different careers.

Following each interview, Katie writes what she learned in her Magic Pad which she keeps in her Career Pouch. She is also given a gift from each character that describes the career so she will have a reminder of what she learned. Images of these objects are included on the CD and can be printed on cards and used in several different follow-up activities that are provided.

Windows or MAC compatible