Simple psychoeducational strategies to keep clients on track during and in-between sessions.

Clients go to therapy wanting to change, but often they have no inherent knowledge of how to change. It’s up to the therapist to build a well-stocked toolkit of life skills and psychoeducational strategies. This book answers the call, delivering an array of basic “solutions”—in the form of handouts, worksheets, exercises, quizzes, mini-lessons, and visualizations—to use with your clients and tailor to fit their needs.

No matter your preferred course of therapy—whether it’s CBT, DBT, EMDR, or EFT—having at your disposal a variety of easy-to-learn and easy-to-teach techniques for a host of common therapy issues goes a long way in keeping your clients on track, both during and in between sessions.

Each chapter offers loads of skill-building tips and techniques to teach your clients, followed by practical take-aways for in-between sessions and additional recommended resources that they can turn to (websites, books, videos, and social media). Topics covered include:

  • stress Solutions
  • anxiety Solutions
  • depression Solutions
  • anger Solutions
  • conflict Solutions
  • regret Solutions
  • low Self-Esteem Solutions
  • life-Imbalance Solutions, and more.

This book is one-stop shopping for a variety of simple, practical, educational techniques to help your clients make longstanding life changes.


  • Introduction
  • The Therapist as Teacher: Psychoeducation in Solution-Oriented Treatment
  • The Therapeutic Relationship: The Basis for Healthy Change
  • Solution-Oriented Treatment: Catching the Wave
  • How This Book Is Organized
  • Recommended Resources
  • Chapter 1: The Stress Solution: Tension as Motivation
  • Chapter 2: The Anxiety Solution: Calming Irrational Fears
  • Chapter 3: The Depression Solution: Beating the Blues
  • Chapter 4: The Anger Solution: Giving Up the Grudge
  • Chapter 5: The Procrastination Solution: Helping Your Clients Implement Good Habits
  • Chapter 6: The Conflict Solution: Improving Problematic Relationships
  • Chapter 7: The Forgiveness Solution: Helping Your Clients Set Themselves Free
  • Chapter 8 The Low Self-Esteem Solution: Busting Core Irrational Beliefs
  • Chapter 9: The Regret Solution: Moving Past Remorse
  • Chapter 10 The Change-Resistance Solution: Flexibility for Personal Transformation
  • Chapter 11: Putting Solutions Into Practice: 10 Ultimate Therapeutic Solutions
  • 1. Use Psychoeducation to Teach Clients in Almost Every Session
  • 2. Start Each Session With a Mood Check
  • 3. Start the Session by Clarifying Goals and Agenda
  • 4. Use Creative Visualizations and Experiential Activities
  • 5. Use Self-Help Assignments Between Sessions
  • 6. Get in the Habit of Asking for Feedback
  • 7. Use Metaphors to Unlock Emotion and Insight
  • 8. Use Metaphorical Props
  • 9. Using Role-Play Variations for Skill Building
  • 10. Use Positive Psychology and Wellness Resources Available Through Social Media and the Internet
  • 10 Ultimate Therapeutic Solutions Checklist

Author Bio:

Judith A. Belmont, MS, LPC, has been a therapist, wellness speaker, workplace wellness consultant, and mental health Continuing Education provider for over 35 years. She is the author of four previous books for mental health professionals and their clients.


“The Therapist’s Ultimate Solution Book lives up to and exceeds its title, delivering straightforward and effective philosophies, resources, and interventions for a variety of clinical situations. Belmont draws from well-researched concepts and the best evidence-based approaches to put a wide range of clinical tools in the hands of frontline therapists. Frankly, there are few books on the market that reach this level of practicality—a must have for new and experienced therapists” – Dr. Lane Pederson, author of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy: A Contemporary Guide for Practitioners.

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