Anorexia creeps in and before you know it, it has taken hold. It doesn’t discriminate – nowadays those suffering the disorder include boys, girls, men and women. It is a huge issue in our celebrity focused society where weight, looks and post baby weight loss are all discussed ad nauseum, and the long term effects can be catastrophic.
At age fourteen Tess was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. This is a mother’s totally absorbing story about her and her family’s struggle with a daughter’s anorexia. Written from a mother’s perspective it describes living and caring for a family member who suffers from an eating disorder. All elements of the carer’s journey are here: personal and family turmoil, the questioning of treatment programs; the battle against anorexia and the final triumph over it. Excerpts from Tess’s journal add a powerful insight to the story.
“A moving, honest account of one family’s experience of living with a loved one with an eating disorder – from discovery to recovery. We need more stories like Jacinta’s to be told – stories that tell about the other half of the eating disorder experience – that of the people caring for the person with the eating disorder. Above all stories that give a message of hope and recovery.” – Kirsty Greenwood, Executive Officer, Eating Disorders Victoria.