What’s Happening to Me? (Girls Edition) (Facts of Life)


SKU: 9780746069950 Categories: , ,

A sensitive, detailed and informative guide to female puberty, invaluable for young girls and parents alike, tackling key subjects from physical changes to buying their first bra.

Bright, stylish original colour illustrations and diagrams reveal everything young girls need to know about the changes they experience as they near puberty.

Written in a witty yet factual and clear style that makes this confusing and tricky subject approachable.

Includes basic details on what’s happening to boys, too.

How can you get rid of spots?

When will I need a bra?

What are periods like?

Why do I feel moody?

Growing up is a whole lot easier if you have some idea what to expect.

This book describes exactly what will happen to your body in a straightforward, easy-to-understand way, and it explains some of your feelings too – all you need to know for this important time in your life.

Ages 8+


  • Growing up
  • When will it happen?
  • Taller and wider
  • Getting hairy
  • Getting breasts
  • The bra business
  • How does it start?
  • What’s it all about?
  • The changes inside you…. And on the outside
  • Why periods happen
  • Using towels
  • Using tampons
  • Coping with periods
  • Your feelings
  • Good food
  • More about eating
  • Keep moving
  • Keep clean
  • From the neck up
  • How boys’ bodies work
  • Boys have worries too
  • Problems to avoid
  • Index
Also available