Essential reading for any parent, teacher or therapist of a person with autism. An internationally acclaimed expert who views autism not as a disability but as a unique way of being human
Autism Spectrum Disorder is now among the most commonly diagnosed developmental disabilities, affecting 1% of the population. Uniquely Human is based on 40 years of practical experience with schools, hospitals, families and academic study.
Author Bio:
Barry M. Prizant, Ph.D., CCC-SLP. Barry has more than 40 years experience as a clinical scholar, consultant, researcher and program consultant to children and older persons with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and related developmental disabilities and their families. He is a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist and holds the Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC-SLP) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
” I love his approach… He provides common sense, practical advice based on a 40-year career.” – Temple Grandin, author of The Autistic Brain and The Way I See It
“A remarkable approach to autism….A truly impactful, necessary book.” -Kirkus Reviews, starred review
“Uplifting…This positive volume should reassure parents and caregivers of kids with autism and any other disability that their kids are not broken, but, indeed, special.” – Booklist, starred review
“Thanks be to Barry for the first-ever must read written for parents, educators, and clinicians.” – Michael John Carley, Founder, GRASP; Author of Asperger’s From the Inside-Out
“This is a wonderful book. Barry Prizant offers a compassionate and insightful perspective on autism that many will find inspiring and hopeful” – Geraldine Dawson, PhD FAPA FAPS, President, International Society for Autism Research, Director, Duke Center for Autism and Brain Development, Duke University School of Medicine
“In the plethora of autism books, Uniquely Human stands alone as it holds the parents in highest of regard and honors the true experts – those with autism themselves. Uniquely Human reminds us all of our humanity”. – Elaine Hall, parent, author, speaker, founder of The Miracle Project
“This is by far the most empathic, wise, and insightful book I have ever read about autism, and is one of the most empathic and wise books I’ve ever read about being human.” – Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, Dean’s Chair and Vice-President, American Jewish University and parent
” A must-read for anyone who lives with and loves a person with autism, this book should also be required for anyone who is striving to be a competent and humanistic professional.” – Pamela Wolfberg, Ph.D. Professor of Autism Spectrum Studies, San Francisco State University; Author, Play and Imagination in Children with Autism
“Compassion, learning and supportive strategies–the three essentials for working with folks with ASD–are an integral part of this must-read book”. – Michelle Garcia Winner, Speech Language Pathologist and Founder of Social Thinking
“Autism was initially described in 1943, and now with Uniquely Human, it is rediscovered 70 years later as a shared human experience. Stop what you are doing. Read this book. It’s a masterpiece.” – Carol Gray, Developer of Social Stories, International Consultant to Individuals with Autism
“Uniquely Human is an amazing book! It will change our perception and understanding of autism. I strongly recommend this book to parents and professionals and congratulate Barry for writing the book that needed to be written” – Tony Attwood, Ph.D., author of The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome
“Uniquely Human shines a light onto the vast possibilities of people with autism, showing that their lives represent opportunities, not disabilities; promise, not doom”. – Ami Klin PhD, Director, Marcus Autism Center, Professor & Chief, Division of Autism and Related Disorders Department of Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine