Author Bio:
Daniel J. Siegel, MD, received his medical degree from Harvard University and completed his postgraduate medical education at UCLA, where he is currently a clinical professor. He is the executive director of the Mindsight Institute, and the author of numerous books, including the bestsellers Mindsight and Brainstorm, as well as No-Drama Discipline and The Whole-Brain Child (co-authored with Tina Payne Bryson). He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and occasionally with his launched adolescents.
Tina Payne Bryson, PhD, is a paediatric and adolescent psychotherapist, parenting consultant, and the director of parenting education and development for the Mindsight Institute. A frequent lecturer to parents, educators, and professionals, she lives near Los Angeles with her husband and three children.
‘Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson have written their best book yet — and that is saying a lot. They have distilled their parenting wisdom — based on neuroscience research and a deep empathy for children’s needs — into a profound concept: showing up. It is one of those great ideas that seems so obvious — but only after someone has shown it to you and spelled it out clearly. Best of all, Siegel and Bryson “show up” for the reader of this book. They know parents, know their fears and anxieties, hopes and dreams. They know that showing up for children is harder than it sounds, and they provide an accessible path to seeing and soothing children and providing them with safety and security.’ – Lawrence J. Cohen, phd, author of Playful Parenting.