The Nature of Strengths is about discovering these qualities and imagining how we can apply them in our lives. Use the cards with children and adults to explore strengths and stories, metaphors and ideas to enhance learning, self-awareness and appreciate nature’s infinite variety.
Stereotypes, myths and legends
Sometimes the strengths of plants and animals depicted on these cards may surprise you. A hyena, for example, is considered an unattractive or even evil creature in some cultures, but in the Nature of Strengths we discover that hyenas have big hearts!
Facilitators and educators can use the cards for conversations that gently open us to the assumptions and stereotypes we form, often
based on age, gender, race, socio-economic background or profession.
- Which cards do you think have a surprising match between the image and the strength identified? What makes the match surprising? re there particular ideas or assumptions you had already formed about a particular creature or plant?
- Looking at yourself, are there strengths you don’t identify with? Can you think of a time when you have actually demonstrated this strength? What if you were to become known for this strength? What would you be doing more of?
- Pick a creature or plant you don’t immediately warm to. Research this creature or plant and see if you can use this information to identify one of their strengths. Create a phrase that describes this strength.