How can professionals work together with foster carers to create stable and therapeutic foster placements?
Team Parenting Children in Foster Care describes a unique model of supporting children in care which involves foster carers and professionals working together in the best interests of the child. This book lays out the key principles of Team Parenting – to meet the needs of troubled young people in an integrated way and incorporate therapy within a wider team of social workers, therapists, psychologists and foster carers – as well as the theory behind it and interventions used. It details how the approach contributes to the recovery of looked after children and each chapter includes examples that illustrates how Team Parenting works in practice.
Team Parenting in Foster Care includes ideas for systems and individual practice that will inform and improve foster carers’ and professionals’ work in any setting.
- Introduction.
- 1. Contextual Factors Influencing the Rise of Team Parenting.
- 2. The Emergence of Team Parenting – Definitions and Practice.
- 3. Key Features of Team Parenting.
- 4. Therapeutic Interventions in Team Parenting: Consultation with Foster Carers.
- 5. Therapeutic Interventions in Team Parenting: Team Parenting Meetings.
- 6. Therapeutic Interventions in Team Parenting: Joint Carer/Child Work.
- 7. Support for Foster Carers In Team Parenting.
- 8. The Contribution of Education And Mentoring In Team Parenting.
- 9. Further Developments In Team Parenting.
- 10. Conclusion – Where Next?
- References. Appendix. Index.
Author Bio:
Jeanette Caw is the head of Therapy Service at Core Children’s Services. She is a qualified social worker and clinical supervisor, as well as fully qualified and accredited psychotherapist with training in Systemic Practice and management training.
Judy Sebba is the Director of the Rees Centre for Research in Fostering and Education – a collaboration between the University of Oxford Department of Education and the Core Assets Group.