Choose a card at random. Think about both the text and the picture:
- What are some of the meanings this card has for you?
- Can you think of a time in your life that relates to this card?
- What was significant about that time?
- What did you learn most from that time?
- What challenges does this card have for you?
- Who has taught you most about this card?
- Have you thanked them?
- What more would you like to learn about this card?
- What is one step you could take towards that?
Choose a card and make it a topic of reflection, creative writing, or research for a day, week or longer.
- Create a mind map: Place the card in the middle of a sheet of paper and write words all around it that come to mind when looking at this card.
- Create a collage, painting or drawing based on your thoughts about this card.
- Write a poem or story about it.
- Research quotes on the internet that relate to this card.
Spread the cards out on a flat surface so you can quickly scan them all. Choose 2–6 cards that speak to you or evoke strong feelings:
- Why did these cards catch your eye? Was it the words, the picture or a combination of both?
- Looking at a selection of cards, sort them using the these criteria:
– the most beautiful
– those you are comfortable with
– those you want to work on
– those that are a challenge. - Which cards remind you most of times when you:
– had a strong sense of fulfilment/ purpose/optimism/connection?
– were happiest?
– experienced something that left a wonderful childhood memory?
– overcame a challenge?
– needed courage?