Chapter 1 – Understanding Depression
- Depression – an overview
- Depression’s any shades of blue
- Facts and figures about mental health and mood disorders
- Mental and behavioural conditions
- Causes of depression
- Feeling down – when does a mood become a disorder?
- Understanding depression
- Myths about depression
- Mental health stigma still affecting Australian workers with research showing 4 in 10 hide depression from employers
- Helping a friend with depression
- Depression in adolescents and young people
- Young people, feelings and depression
Chapter 2 – Discussing Australian Identity
- Depression Q&As
- Depression diagnosis
- Depression self-test
- Depression – treatment and management
- Treatment for depression
- Antidepressant medicines
- Types of antidepressants
- Are antidepressants over-prescribed in Australia?
- Psychological interventions for depression
- Talking therapies can harm too – here’s what to look out for
- Self-help and alternate therapies
- The treatment of depression in young people
Exploring issues – worksheets and activities
Glossary; Fast facts; Web links; Index