So, you’re a bit anxious sometimes. Or perhaps a lot. That’s OK! You are not alone. Lots and lots of people feel anxious at times. Read on! This book will explain:
- What anxiety actually is
- Why it’s a natural thing your body does to protect you
- How you can learn to switch it off when it gets overpowering – Wouldn’t that be awesome?
You don’t have to be afraid of anxiety. You can control it. Let’s begin with what happens inside your body. It all starts in your brain…
About the author
Dawn Meredith holds a Bachelor of Education degree, Graduate Certificate in Counselling and post graduate studies in Language Development and Behaviour Management. She has been working with children and their families for over twenty years. Dawn is a published author of seven children’s books
Suitable for readers 8yrs+, this book details the reasons for anxiety symptoms, how the body protects us in times of real danger and helps children figure out what thought processes are causing these over-the-top reactions. By assigning a ‘monster’ to negative thoughts, a child can put the message as an influence outside their head and thereby learn to ignore it.
Here’s some of those 12 annoying monsters:
“Bad stuff always happens to me”
Beware this pathetic monster! He will tell you that bad things only happen to YOU. You are a loser, a magnetic for trouble. A hopeless case of bad luck, over and over.
“Everything has to be perfect”
There is no such thing as perfect! This monster is telling you a big, fat, juicy lie. You can get yourself tied up in mental knots trying to do things perfectly and he will always tell you the same message: ‘that’s not good enough! You’re useless!’ and worse: ‘everything must be perfect or I won’t feel safe.’
“The world is a horrible mess”
This monster loves watching the news. There’s so much death and suffering in the world and he wants to see it all. And remind you of it later, when you’re trying to sleep. He enjoys making you feel scared, unsafe.