February 20, 2024
10:00 am
12:30 pm
Nurtured Heart Approach: (NHA)
- A six week group. Approximately 2 hours pw
- The approach is relatively new in Australia. It has been utilised in USA for over 25 years with great success. Outcomes evaluations and research has been conducted in the US.
- The Approach was originally designed to support the most challenging and intense children – including those with ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder and other behavioural diagnoses. Now NHA is widely acclaimed as a powerful way of helping all children to flourish; in fact all relationships can flourish adult and child. Being utilized in DV Disability Residentials, Foster Care Schools.
- The Nurtured Heart Approach is a relationship-focused methodology designed to help children (and adults) build their Inner Wealth/Self Esteem/ Resilience and use their intensity in successful ways.
- The approach is a non punitive and strengths based approach to parenting and relationships.
- The Approach also helps us see how some commonly used parenting methods may inadvertently be having an adverse impact on behaviours and escalating our children when we are hoping to calm them.
- The group is facilitated by a registered Nurtured Heart Trainer.
- For further information check Nurtured Heart Institute website home of Nurtured Heart Approach
- Free Training