- Introduction Grief Therapies for our Times: A Pluralistic Proposition
- Varieties and Complexities of Grieving
- The Effectiveness of Grief Therapy: Meta-analytic Perspective
- Contemporary Grief Therapy Approaches
- A Narrative Approach to Supporting Life After Loss: A Kaleidoscope of Never-Ending Colours
- Grief Therapy as a Quest for Meaning
- Existential Therapy for Grief
- Working with the Two-Track Model of Bereavement (TTMB)
- Attachment Informed Grief Therapy
- Psychoanalytic Approaches to Grief Therapy
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Grief
- Utilization of EMDR Therapy with Grief and Mourning
- Mindfulness for Grief
- Compassion-Focused Grief Therapy
- Art-Assisted Grief Therapy
- Tailoring Grief Therapy for Diverse Presentations and Populations
- Fostering Resilience in the Acute Stages of Grief
- Working with the Relationship: Continuing Bonds, Unfulfilled Wishes and Unresolved Conflict
- Bereavement: A Sociological Perspective
- The Weight of Black Grief
- Pandemic Loss and Grief: The Case of Covid-19
- The Role of Exposure in Processing Violent Circumstances of Loss
- Navigating the Complications of Suicide Loss
- Grief Therapy with Children and Adolescents
- Working with Parents after the Death of a Child
- Working with Grieving Couples: Using the Dual Process Model as a Framework for Clinical Practice
- Working with Grieving Families
- Professional Issues for Grief Therapists
- Measuring the Process and Outcome of Grief Therapies
- Training, Supervision and Continued Professional Development for Grief Therapists
- Compassionate Reflection and Self-Care for Grief Therapists